All You Need to Know About Auto Service Warranties

If you own a car, we assume that you stay updated about the latest trends that the industry is set upon. So, we just wanted to check out, if you have already heard about the auto service warranties, and whether you have already signed up for them. If you answer in affirmative, we suggest you […]

Sure Signs Your Car Needs a Battery Replacement

There is only a few warning signs that say the lifespan of your car battery is nearly over. The news is sad, but you have to move on towards replacing the existing set of batteries with a new one. These signs were doubly confirmed by the auto experts whom we consulted at the center for […]

Summer Tyres Should Complement Your Winter Tyres

Your vehicle will need different tyres to cope with the different weather conditions you have during the year. Most cars will use summer tyres that they combine with winter tyres. The best tyres for harsh winter conditionsare the studded winter tyres, as they have metal studs that can provide that extra grip on icy surfaces […]

Problems Faced By Wheelchair Users

Lack of accessibility is one of the main problems faced by people with disabilities when commuting daily, whether for work, study, or leisure. These are physical and social barriers that harm the autonomy of those who use a wheelchair as a means of transportation. Prejudices Unfortunately, prejudice is still a problem in the 21st century […]