Lineup Details of 2022 Volkswagen Sedans  

In the market of compact cars, the place for sedans has never wavered even with the rise and fall of many other car body styles. That is the sole reason why prominent auto manufacturing brands like Volkswagen continued to release the latest versions of their sedan models, while launching new ones as well. The year […]

Luxury Statement Made by the 2022 Genesis GV80 Models

The 2022 Genesis GV80 is a name among those midsize luxury SUVs that has secured its place in its own class with a grand success record. In the world of luxury vehicles, the Genesis GV80 is introduced with loads of innovative ideas that are duly translated by technological and material implementation. The GV80 became the […]

Do truck tyres have an expiration date?

Tyres are one of the essential components of a truck. As a result, they have a significant impact on the way a truck performs. A well-maintained tyre for crane can improve the performance of your vehicle and fuel efficiency. In contrast, poor tyres which are under-inflated or not correctly aligned will drastically reduce the truck […]

Do You Have A Car Emergency Kit?

The fact is, you’ll probably never need a car emergency kit. But that doesn’t mean you should become complacent and drop the idea altogether. Because when the unexpected happens and it turns out you actually need an emergency kit, then you really WILL need one. This leading New Zealand car rental company has long advised […]

A Comprehensive Checklist for Buying New Car Battery

Batteries have always been the source of energy for a vehicle. Right from keying the engine to turning on headlights, indicators and all other components that need electric power, the car battery runs them all. But like every other mechanism and product, the car battery too has a limited lifespan and needs to be replaced […]

All You Need to Know About Auto Service Warranties

If you own a car, we assume that you stay updated about the latest trends that the industry is set upon. So, we just wanted to check out, if you have already heard about the auto service warranties, and whether you have already signed up for them. If you answer in affirmative, we suggest you […]